the Degree Confluence Project

United States : North Dakota

5.3 miles (8.5 km) N of Valley City, Barnes, ND, USA
Approx. altitude: 428 m (1404 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 47°S 82°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking North #3: Looking East #4: Looking South #5: Looking West

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  47°N 98°W (visit #1)  

#1: Curt at the point

(visited by Curt Christiansen)

22-Mar-2000 -- It was sunny and 60 degrees as I set off from Jamestown, N.D. to attempt my first visit to a confluence point. With Pearl Jam cranking on the CD and a lunch of soft tacos from Taco Bell I headed east on I-94 to Valley City, N.D. A quick trip thru town and I easily found Barnes County Road #21 heading due north. This was my first experience using a GPS so I was a little unsure of how it worked, but I also had with me a map book of North Dakota. I soon found an entrance to the endless wheat fields that according to the GPS was close to the point. I walked approximately 100 yards across the muddy, plowed under field to the confluence. I took pictures of the four compass points and set up my tripod while I let the Gps settle in. The only thing in sight from the point is more fields. I trudged thru the muddy field back to the car pleased with my first confluence visit.

 All pictures
#1: Curt at the point
#2: Looking North
#3: Looking East
#4: Looking South
#5: Looking West
#6: The point from 100 yards NW
ALL: All pictures on one page