the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Bahia

10.7 km (6.6 miles) SSE of Boqueirão, Bahia, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 934 m (3064 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 14°N 134°E

Accuracy: 47 m (154 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: TocaBrasil Clan on the Point #3: GPS

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  14°S 46°W (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: Confluence view

(visited by Guto - Jose Augusto de S. Barroso, Luis Pedro B. Neri, Luis Claudio (LClaudio), Adriano (Dri) and Lívia Santos (Livinha))

10-Jan-2004 --

Go to English version

Alguns dos membros do Grupo TocaBrasil resolveram sair para a conquista de mais 4 confluências em um final de semana. Todas no estado da Bahia - Brasil.

Saíram da casa do LP (Luís Pedro) por volta de 5 horas da manhã com destino à primeira confluência (14ºS 46ºW). Conquistaram esta, por volta das 10 horas da manhã, logo após, seguiram viagem para a próxima conquista (13ºS 46ºW). Duas ou três vezes atolados na areia, mas foi tudo tranquilo. Cruzaram o Rio Arrojado, muito próximo a sua nascente.
"Nunca vimos água tão cristalina, impressionante"

Esta confluência encontra-se em uma propriedade particular, em meio a uma floresta de pinheiros.

Para chegar ao ponto, apartir da rodovia, tiveram ainda que andar 23 km de terra/areia até a entrada da propriedade, e mais 5 km de terra/areia dentro da propriedade, depois, mais uns 700 metros andando em meio a floresta.


Some of the members of the TocaBrasil clan decided to go out and conquer 4 more confluences for the books. All of them can be found in the state of Bahia - Brazil.

They left Lp`s house around five in the morning with the destination (14ºS 46ºW) confluence in mind. They made the confluence around ten in the morning, soon after they followed trip on route to confluence ((13ºS 46ºW).
Twice or thrice they were caught up in sand dunes on their trek to their final destination, but all and all it was going fine.
They crossed the glorious Rio Arrojado(river), very close to the actual the source of the river. "Never had they seen such pure, clear and fresh water before, it was truly impressive, you would have to been there to believe it".

This confluence was found in some private property, in the middle of a forest of pine trees.

To get to the actual confluence, we had to leave the main route; we had drive through 23 kilometers of dirt and sand, till the gates of the actual property. After passing through the gates of the property, they still had to drive through 5 kilometers of dirt track of private land. When they arrived at the beginning of the forest they got out of the car and walked some 700 meters into the middle of the forest.

TocaBrasil Clan / Grupo TocaBrasil

 All pictures
#1: Confluence view
#2: TocaBrasil Clan on the Point
#3: GPS
ALL: All pictures on one page