the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Paraná

8.2 km (5.1 miles) NNE of Sertanópolis, Paraná, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 350 m (1148 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 23°N 129°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South #3: East #4: West #5: 100 meters from local #6: GPS #7: The team

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  23°S 51°W (visit #2)  

#1: North

(visited by Roberto Gameiro and Felipe Hatti)


17-Jan-2004 -- We visited the place twice. On our first trip (Jan, 10th, 2004) we drove straight towards the confluence and all we could see there were soy bean plantations all over the place.

We thought this would be a quick visit then but to our surprise, we spotted a little swamp just in the middle of the field. After walking along the edge ,we realised the confluence was 10 m inside the swamp.So we decided to contact the land owner so as to get his permission to go back there on a second trip which happened a week after (Jan, 17th, 2004).

We had then carried an inflatable boat that ended up not being useful at all as we found out it would be possible to walk over a thick layer of dry rush which surfaced the swamp. At times, the rush would become thinner and we had water up to our waist. Our only big concern was not to damage the equipment (our GPS and a digital cam ).

When we finally got to the confluence, we climbed onto two big bamboo sticks that we had laid over the dry rush and we then managed to take the pictures without running the risk of sinking into the water.


Nós fizemos a vista em duas etapas. A primeira ( dia 10 de janeiro de 2004 ), fomos em direção à confluencia e só viamos plantações de soja, o que levou-nos a pensar que seria rápida nosa visita, porém quando chegamos no local, verificamos que havia um pequeno brejo.

Após percorrer toda margem do brejo, concluimos que as coordenadas estariam a uns 10 metros brejo a dentro. Resolvemos voltar com um bote no sábado seguinte, e para isso identificamos o proprietario a fim de obter uma autorização para a visita.

Na segunda etapa, ( 17 de janeiro de 2004 ), levamos um pequeno bote inflável, que se mostrou de pouca utilidade, acabamos descendo do bote e entrando no brejo a pé. Os juncos velhos que secavam criaram uma capa sobre o brejo que nos permitia andar por cima dele, apenas em alguns momentos esta capa de juncos secos era rompida e afundavamos até a cintura. A preocupação era não danificar o equipamento (GPS e maquina fotografica digital ).

Ao chagarmos no ponto onde as coordenadas estavam zeradas, deitamos duas varas de bambu de 2 metros, sobre os juncos secos e subimos sobre as varas para conseguirmos ficar sobre o brejo sem risco de afundarmos e ali fizemos as fotos.

 All pictures
#1: North
#2: South
#3: East
#4: West
#5: 100 meters from local
#6: GPS
#7: The team
ALL: All pictures on one page