01-Jun-2004 -- The trip to this confluence was made into an area that I was unfamiliar with, but was made easier the help of Natural Resources Canada website and centre for Topographic Information (toporama.cits.rncan.gc.ca). I used this site to print out the 1:50000 maps of this area. Once you’re into the map you need you can left click your mouse onto a spot onto the map and an approximate GPS coordinate will appear below the map. I used this feature to find the right road junctions while travelling to the confluence.
My visit started early in the morning when I left Salmo at 5:30 am. As usual I had my dog Shayla with me. The GPS reads the confluence is 94.7 kilometres east. After an hour and forty-five minute drive I arrive in Yahk, BC and after crossing the Moyie river, I make a right hand turn off the highway onto Hawkins Creek Forest Service Road (FSR). At the nine-kilometre mark (116W) the road splits 3 ways and I turn onto the American Creek FSR and follow the road for 3 kilometres to a parking area. The road is closed beyond this point.
I get out my hiking gear and start to hike up the road to where it meet the International Boundary, the GPS reads the confluence is 987 metres to the east. I am fortunate the cut-line was brushed out the previous year and this makes the hiking a lot easier. As I get to longitude 116 west I see that the confluence is about 91 metres south of the boundary. The confluence is in heavy timber and the GPS readings keep jumping around. I get a reading of N49 degrees by 116 west but by the time I get my camera out, the confluence centre has moved 5.05m east. I take a few pictures and hike back to my truck and go home.