05-Jun-2004 -- The chance came to drive out of Ulaanbaatar and catch one of the few CPs within reach of a day trip. The point is about 85 km east of UB and lies very close to a pass through a low range of hills. It is just 500m from the road at an altitude of 1810 metres. The journey from UB took just three hours and the return journey after a picnic and snooze - 2½ hours with better choice of route. It all seemed too easy after just reading the report to Tibet – 2 years of planning and 6 days of expedition.
The many colourful flowers are at their best in June. Demoiselle cranes are common visitors to the grassy steppe in summer, gathering to large flocks in mid-summer before migrating south for the winter.
Between UB and the confluence is an old Russian air force base. The Russians went home 15 years ago and the military bases have been crumbling since. This jet is perhaps the only surviving plane in the Mongolian air force.