the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Pennsylvania

3.4 miles (5.4 km) WNW of Millerton, Tioga, PA, USA
Approx. altitude: 541 m (1774 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 42°S 103°E

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking East - more corn. #3: Looking South - even more corn! #4: West view - still more corn. #5: The proof! #6: Overview looking NE from North Road. #7: View South from the edge of the corn field. #8: View Southwest from the edge of the corn field. #9: North Road heading West. #10: Standing at the edge of the corn field.

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  42°N 77°W (visit #2)  

#1: Looking North - corn.

(visited by Alan Fox, Carolyn Fox and Max)

11-Aug-2004 -- We took a road trip from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada to visit our daughters - one in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. and one in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is one of fourteen successful confluence visits along the way.

While heading north on Highway 15 near the New York and Pennsylvania state border we turned east onto state Route 328 at Tioga Junction. Near the village of Jackson Summit we drove north on White Road then Picnic Grove Road. Both are bumpy gravel roads. At North Road, just south of the New York border we drove a short distance west to W77°. It was about 2:00 PM when we parked in the shade of two large oak trees to walk across a field of assorted grasses and wild flowers.

When the grassy field ended a corn field began. The confluence is about 120 meters into the tall corn plants. There were narrow "paths" through the corn where we could walk without damaging any of the stalks. It took a lot of hunting to find the zeros Because all four directions are corn, we took some pictures from the south edge of the corn field and along North Road to show the surrounding area.

 All pictures
#1: Looking North - corn.
#2: Looking East - more corn.
#3: Looking South - even more corn!
#4: West view - still more corn.
#5: The proof!
#6: Overview looking NE from North Road.
#7: View South from the edge of the corn field.
#8: View Southwest from the edge of the corn field.
#9: North Road heading West.
#10: Standing at the edge of the corn field.
ALL: All pictures on one page