12-Aug-2004 -- We visited this confluence on our way home from 48N 28E. We took the bus from Chisinau (Moldova) to Roman, the town 10 kilometers from the confluence. We got ourselves a lift to Burueneşti, a small village just three kilometers from the confluence.
One of us waited with the car, the other one (me) went to take the pictures the confluence last 2-3 kilometers. I literally had to run, because the car would wait only short time. Burueneşti lies at the River Siret, and the confluence on a plateau northeast of it.
When reached the top of the slope and caught a first glimpse of the plateau I was a bit disappointed: again nothing but large cornfields. Luckily the confluence lies actually between and not in the middle of the fields.
Near the spot local villagers were guarding their cows.