the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Buenos Aires

9.7 km (6.0 miles) NNE of La Virginia, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 193 m (633 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 38°N 119°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South View #3: West View #4: Gps at 4 meter 14:44 and maybe 40 C of temperature #5: Pablo and me #6: Matias #7: Mosquitos #8: Water on the path #9: Crossing some Water

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  38°S 61°W (visit #1)  

#1: North View

(visited by Luis Julian Rossi, Matías Ignacio Anastasio and Pablo Javier Anastasio)


05-Jan-2005 -- El día estaba previsto para visitar algunos familiares al Pueblo de Coronel Pringles.
Sin embargo viendo que esta era una de las pocas confluencias que faltaba completar en la Prov. Buenos Aires me contacte con Pablo de Bahía Blanca, que con mucho ánimo se preparo para realizar esta visita.
Así que dejamos a la mayor parte de la familia en Pringles y salimos Pablo, su hijo Matías, y yo, y un lindo tomate Rojo.

Primer intento Don Alberto nos dejo pasar por su campo, diciendo que pasemos pero que se nos complicaría avanzar mucho. Desde allí 4 Km llegamos a solo 2,9km pero el camino fue atravesado por un arroyo que nos impidió el paso. A Pablo le gusta el barro, pero ya eso era demasiado y más estando con un solo vehículo.
La decisión era seguir caminando o comenzar un rodeo en caminos desconocidos. Los mosquitos y el calor nos decidieron a comenzar el rodeo en la fresca NIVA. Más al sur en paraje la Virginia pudimos cruzar en un puente el arroyo pero claro estábamos a 8km, intentamos un par de tranqueras y todas cerradas.
Finalmente encontramos la huella que nos acercaba lo suficiente. Con un poco de suerte encontramos tres tranqueras abiertas, pero ninguna huella, en medio de cardos y a campo traviesa pudimos avanzar hasta llegar a unos 1200 metros.

Ya la Niva amagaba peligrosamente a quedarse atascada ya que no se veía el suelo, cubierto de pastos y junquillos que no permitían ver el suelo que estaba en algunos sectores cubiertos por varios centímetros de agua.
Sin pensar mucho avanzamos por este pantanito plagado de mosquitos, finalmente logramos llegar a la ansiada confluencia, festejamos con agua, el calor era insoportable, al menos a lo que estamos acostumbrados por aquí, el agua del pantano estaba bien caliente.
De poco servia tratar de refrescarse en esa agua.

De allí nos fuimos a hacer un Geocashing, preguntamos a un cuidador que nos permitió quedarnos debajo de unos eucaliptos, hicimos el Geocash, y rápidamente a la sombra. A disfrutar de improvisado picnic. Luego de unas 5 horas de travesía.


05-Jan-2005 -- The day was dedicated to visit some relatives in Coronel Pringles town. Nevertheless seeing that this was one of the few confluences that was unvisited in the Buenos Aires province.
I contacted Pablo from Bahia Blanca, he was very enthusiastic about this visit. So I left most of the family in Pringles and took off with Pablo, Matias his son, me and a pretty Red tomato (Pablos NIVA car).

First attempt. Don Alberto let us pass through his field, saying that it would be complicated to advance too much. From there, after 4 km, we arrived at almost 2,9km but a stream blocked the way . Pablo likes the mud, but already that was too much but being with his 4x4 was too risky to attempt the crossing with no other vehicle just in case.

The dilemma was to continue walking or to begin an alternate route in unknown terrains. The mosquitoes and the heat made us decide to begin the alternate route in the fresh NIVA.
We went to the South and in a place called Paraje Virginia we could cross the stream in a bridge but where at 8km, we tried a pair of gates and all closed.
Finally we found the track that approached us sufficiently to the confluence. With a little luck we found three opened gates, but no track, in the middle of thistles and swampy fields we could advance until arriving at about 1200 meters. The Niva already threatened to be stuck since we could not see the ground, which was in some sectors covered by several centimeters of water.
Without much thinking we advanced in this plagued swamp of mosquitoes, finally we managed to arrive at the confluence, we toasted with drinking water, the heat was unbearable, and the water of the marsh was hot.

Finally after making a Geocash we quickly moved to the shadows for an improvised picnic. After 5 hours of travel.

 All pictures
#1: North View
#2: South View
#3: West View
#4: Gps at 4 meter 14:44 and maybe 40 C of temperature
#5: Pablo and me
#6: Matias
#7: Mosquitos
#8: Water on the path
#9: Crossing some Water
ALL: All pictures on one page