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News Archive (123 - 142)

6000 visits [26-Sep-08]
The visit to 44N 123E was the 6000th unique successful visit posted (primary & secondary confluences combined). It was in China, as well as 5000th visit.

china by bicycle [26-Sep-08]
Rainer Mautz cycled 3828 km in rarely visited northern China to visit 23 confluences. It all starts here.

australian outback trip [07-Sep-08]
Stephen Langman and his group went on their annual trip into the outback. Taking in 7 points along the way including a first time visit to 25S-130E. The adventure starts here 30S-135E.

33 confluence trek in china [06-Sep-08]
Targ Parsons and his wife Ah Feng visited 33 confluences in 26 days (incidentally pushing the percentage of visited, indexed confluences past 33.33%). It all starts here.

highest visit in canada [27-Aug-08]
52°N 117°W, the highest primary confluence in Canada, located in the Canadian Rockies, has been visited, and includes some spectacular views.

confluence mystery solved [11-Aug-08]
Often a visit to a Confluence raises unexpected questions, and puzzling mysteries remain unsolved. Already in 2001 Stefan Beck visited a Confluence in the U.A.E., but the question 'Who is Jett?' remained unanswered for a long time. After nearly six years, this mystery got finally solved, see coordinator's note at 25N 56E.

the midnight sun confluence [05-Aug-08]
Daniel Zwick and Friederike Stüttgen were lucky enough to see the midnight sun as they visited 68°N 13°E in Norway.

full set of mainland uk points [26-Jun-08]
With his recent visit to 58N-05W, Gordon Spence completed his quest to successfully visit all of the points of mainland UK.

first "underwater" visit [23-Jun-08]
After several months of testing Rainer Mautz revisited 47N-07E but this time going down to the lake bottom.

serbia & montenegro - complete [23-Jun-08]
Philipp Funovits and Katharina Gugerell recently completed serbia & montenegro with a visit to 42N-19E

precisely nowhere [07-Jun-08]
Well worth watching is the video of Tim and Tyler's visit to 51°N 124°W, which also includes a nice introduction to confluence hunting and the Degree Confluence Project. (see the visit page for links to the video on YouTube)

because it's there. (sort of.) [23-May-08]
A 9-page article (3.8MB PDF) in the June 2008 Outside Magazine explores confluence hunting through the story of Greg Michaels' visit to 18°S 69°W in Bolivia

country 179: solomon islands [03-Apr-08]
Patrick Dunnigan visited 9S 159E and 9S 160E on a diving trip to the Solomon Islands.

djibouti is country 178 [01-Apr-08]
A visit of Phil Boyle to 11N 42E added the two-confluence-country Djibouti as the 178th country to our list.

journey by motorbike in india [25-Mar-08]
David Coombs and John Mountford rented a couple of Royal Enfield motorbikes and visited/attempted 16 confluences in India. Starting with 22N 86E.

let's go and do ireland [24-Mar-08]
A chance encounter with a cheap air fare deal led Gordon Spence to go and try to do all 13 confluence points in the Emerald Isle. Twelve successes were achieved. It all starts here at 52N 08W.

big scandinavian confluence trip [22-Mar-08]
last fall Jan & Renate Liska spent 17 days visiting 19 confluences in Denmark, Sweden & Norway. Their trip started at 55°N 12°E

togo and burkina faso are complete [11-Mar-08]
A visit to 8N 1E completed the four Confluences in Togo. And a four-day trip starting at 13N 0 ticked off the remaining four Confluences in Burkina Faso.

journey from nigeria to europe [26-Feb-08]
Babs Coleman and Helmut Resch have set off for a long journey from Nigeria to Europe. There are, of course, lots of Confluences to be visited on the way... The story starts at 11N 5E.

after california wildfires [03-Jan-08]
In October 2007, a large wildfire swept across 33N, 117W. Since then, Marshall Klow and Dave Brooks have both revisited the confluence. A landowner has problems with landslides and asks that we not visit, but you can read their reports here and here.

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