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News Archive (143 - 162)

value of revisiting [14-Dec-07]
Conflagration near Chita city made dramatic changes in wilderness around 52N 113E. That was described in the third visit to this confluence.

vanuatu [30-Nov-07]
With a visit to 15N 167E Vanuatu became the latest country with a complete or incomplete visits.

another country added [29-Nov-07]
On the 18th November 2007 the first succesful visit to Turkmenistan was recorded, the expedition was led by Alexander Frolov & Mike Karavanov.

100 visits and counting [17-Nov-07]
On the 14th September this year, Gordon Spence became just the 10th member to log 100 confluence visits. The first visit and the 100th were to the same point 28N 82W some 4380 miles from home.

walking through minefields [03-Nov-07]
Greg Michaels has visited the last four remaining points in "Europe", starting with 45N 19E. All of these points are in Bosnia/Herzegovina and Michael's reports make poignant reading. If you consider visiting these prepare well and remember you may literally be dicing with death.

another member completes a country [03-Nov-07]
Earlier this year Wojciech Czombik completed his quest to visit all of the land points in his native Poland. His quest started at 52N 17E and finished at 54N 23E.

russia reaches 400 visits [22-Oct-07]
A visit to 46N 41E was 400th confluence visited in Russia. For this achievement it needed 494 successful visits and 552 total.

belarus is complete [26-Sep-07]
Gennadiy Korol and Matvey Piskunov after their third attempt successfully visited 52N 28E, and at the same time completed the Confluences of Belarus.

confluence marathon [18-Sep-07]
Joseph Kerski set out on June 28th to see how many confluences he could visit in one day. His journey started at 38N, 103W.

6 days, 3500 km, 11 confluences [10-Sep-07]
M. Zakharenko and V. Chernorutsky made a confluence journey in Russian European North visiting/attempting 11 new confluences. It all starts here.

the midnight sun confluence trip [19-Aug-07]
David Williams drove from North Cape in Norway to Helsinki, Finland, and on the way he visited 11 confluences, one for each degree latitude, within just 72 hours.

Ukraine is complete [28-Jun-07]
A visit to 46N 29E completes the land-based Confluences of Ukraine. Now four offshore Confluences are remaining.

south africa is complete [22-May-07]
A group visit to 29S 21E completes the land-based Confluences of South Africa. Only seven offshore Confluences are remaining now.

another member completes a country [20-May-07]
Recently Karl Bryk completed the entire set of confluence points in Austria, on many of these he was accompanied by his son Michael and wife Andrea

175 countries [08-May-07]
A visit of Captain Peter to the marine confluence 18N 75W added the tiny island of Navassa as the 175th country to our list.

5000 primary confluences [01-May-07]
The visit to 28N 68E in Pakistan was the 5000th unique successful visit to a primary confluence posted.

czech republic [08-Apr-07]
Jan Liska and his wife Renate completed all of the points in the Czech Republic with a visit to 51N 15E

oman is complete [15-Jan-07]
The fourth attempt on 23N 59E finally lead to success, and at the same time completed the land-based Confluences of Oman.

30 percent [29-Dec-06]
Based on the currently indexed confluences, 30% of the primary confluences have now been visited!

4000 km by bicycle [25-Dec-06]
Rainer Mautz spent 2 months cycling from China to Central Asia, visiting/attempting 22 confluences. It all starts here.

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