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News Archive (183 - 202)

high arctic adventure [15-Oct-05]
A six week adventure in Canada's high arctic, travelling by skis and sleds, included a visit to 76°N 79°W, along with polar bears, seals, belugas, long-tail ducks, and murres.

an international "incident" - almost [01-Oct-05]
Phil Sharpe was in Romania doing charity work when a visit to 47N 28E meant a run-in with the locals and making friends with the border police.

and yet another new country... [23-Sep-05]
A three-week bike tour by Rainer Mautz through West Africa offered the opportunity for three confluence visits, and added one more new country to the list: Guinea. The story starts with 13N 16W.

another new country added [21-Sep-05]
Armenia became the newest country to be added to those succesfully visited, when Philipp and Anna visited 40N 45E

romania is now complete [29-Aug-05]
David Coombs recently spent a weekend completing the last two confluences in Romania yet to be succesfully visited. 45N 29E & 47N 28E

swimming to a confluence [26-Aug-05]
Hermann Grebner put on a wetsuit and swam 111 m in ice cold mountain water to reach 70°N 29°E, one of the last confluences in Norway

25 percent [15-Aug-05]
Based on the currently indexed confluences, 25% of the primary confluences have now been visited! It took a little over a year to get from 20% to 25%...

new country [11-Aug-05]
Gabon newly entered the list of countries with visited confluences. Unfortunately, dense rain forest and poor satellite reception hampered the full achievement of the aim 0N 11E, but 0N 12E was successfully bagged with the help of the local railway police.

highest confluence visited [02-Aug-05]
It took over 2 weeks to complete the visit to 33N 80E in Tibet.

don't trespass here! [27-Jul-05]
Jeremy Watson made a successful visit to 13S 132E in the company of the Australian army. I would suggest that you don't trespass

centre of "our" world [13-Jul-05]
Way back in 1884, it was decided that Greenwich here in the UK would be the centre of the world with regard to navigation and coordinates. Recently Rainer Mautz made the first visit to the Prime Meridian at Greenwich since SA was switched off.

another one for the closer [30-Jun-05]
Todd Barber likes closing out state's primary confluences (he's done it 5 times before), this time it was Ohio and 39N 83W.

52n 06e on the radio [15-Jun-05]
Recently Henk de Jong, went along with a reporter from Radio Netherlands to 52N 06E.

wyoming complete [09-Jun-05]
The last confluence in Wyoming, 43°N, 109°W, was visited in April. Todd Barber went there with some local high schoolers. four guides, and Bob, the confluence lizard.

how many people can you fit on one point [30-May-05]
Recently Matthis Kremer, organised a school outing with a difference, 470 visitors descended on 48N 09E to set a new world record.

geographic centre of australia [30-May-05]
Recently Jeremy Watson, compiled a report on the Geographic Centre of Australia. Though there are many methods of calculating this point...

17 hours = 1120km = 10 successful visits [22-May-05]
Rainer Mautz and Elionora undertook a marathon drive recently to visit as many points as possible in one day. They successfully reached 10, starting at 50N 11E

travel by dog sled teams [11-May-05]
A visit to 63°N 109°W in the Northwest Territories, using four dog sled teams totaling twenty-six huskies, brings the total number of visits for Canada to 350.

166 countries [10-May-05]
A visit to 14S 33E puts Malawi as a new entry on the list of countries with visits.

3 more countries [03-May-05]
Recent confluence visits to Haiti, Guinea-Bissau, and Liberia push the number of countries with visits to 165.

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