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162 countries [21-Apr-05] A series of four adventurous visits starting with 14N 44E adds Yemen to the list of countries with visits. website maintenance [09-Apr-05] On April 11, 2005, starting at 18:00 UTC (6:00PM UTC), this website was unavailable for about 15 minutes due to planned website maintenance. For a period of a few hours surrounding that time, logins to the Member page were disabled, but everything should now be back to normal. If you notice any problems, please contact your regional coordinator. 160 countries [16-Mar-05] An incomplete visit to 12°N 62°W, in Grenada, brings the total number of countries with visits to 160. japan (land) complete [17-Jan-05] Japan's last land confluence has been visited. However, with more than half of the country's confluences in the water there are still many to document. 40,000 photographs [28-Dec-04] From a humble beginning in 1996 with 4 photographs of the "confluence that started it all", 43°N 72°W, the Degree Confluence Project has grown to the point that as 2004 comes to a close the website has over 40,000 photographs, from 159 countries. 159 countries [21-Dec-04] A visit to 19°S 65°W, in Bolivia, and a visit to half-way to the pole (or equator) [17-Dec-04] Recently Vincent Caillard made a visit to 45N on the Prime Meridian. What lies at this point half-way from equator to pole on the Zero line? A signpost from a previous vistor - with the spelling corrected by the locals... argentina reaches 100 [17-Dec-04] Argentina is the 9th country to have 100 or more successful confluence visits 157 countries [10-Dec-04] A visit to 17°N 63°W, in the country of Saint Kitts and Nevis, brings the total number of countries with visits to 157. 2005 calendar [07-Dec-04] The Degree Confluence Project 2005 calendar is available for download from the 2005 Calendar page. It is a high resolution PDF document that you can print, and is donationware. germany to china by land [30-Nov-04] Rainer Mautz traveled from Germany to China (mostly) by land. He filed 29 reports (26 complete, 3 incomplete), the story starts here. re-visits aren't worthwhile??? [03-Nov-04] Those who thought like this until now should take a comparative look at 24N 55E as it looked like 3 years ago, and at 24N 55E as it looks like in the meantime. A dramatic change indeed, and worth being documented for the DCP. geographic center of the ec [14-Oct-04] After the recent expansion of the European Community to the East, Sixta Verlauth and Juergen de Haas , members of the team of the Explorer Magazin paid a visit to the center of the European Continent. 146 visitors [08-Oct-04] A visit to 55°N 83°E had 146 visitors, a new record, as well as determining the location with an accuracy of 10mm! 6 confluences in a single day [06-Oct-04] Shawn Fleming and Sam Gallucci managed to visit six Nevada confluences in a single day, starting with 38°N 118°W finland complete (again) [06-Oct-04] With the visits to two offshore confluences, at 60°N 22°E and 60°N 21°E, all indexed confluences in Finland have been visited. 156 countries [04-Oct-04] A visit to 54°N 28°E, in the country of Belarus, brings the total number of countries with visits to 156. extra excitement in the steppe [26-Sep-04] David Coombs recently added a handful of visits in Mongolia. This one sticks out since the team rolled their van in their haste to reach the goal, had a brocken accelerator pedal and then ran out of gas... moldova is complete [15-Sep-04] With the recent visit to 48°N 28°E, all confluences in Moldova have been successfully visited. south african "100" [25-Aug-04] A visit to 27S 22E lifts South Africa into the exclusive club of countries with 100 or more visited Confluences. This includes Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Russia, Saudia Arabia, South Africa, and the United States. Older news... |