#1: Farm buildings in the distance
#2: I first tried this very nice path to the river Demer, but there was no way to walk along the riverside to the point.
#3: The best path starts here, where Bredeveldstraat meets Steenweg Diest.
#4: Horses guarding the path to the confluence
#5: Fenced-in field: The best way to avoid the burning nettles is to follow the (dry) ditch around the fence, then take a shortcut to the point.
#6: Steel bridge over one of the many ditches
#7: 360-degree panorama
#8: GPS with ESTB corrections and 2 m EPE
#9: Track log showing several attempts. Follow the path furthest to the east!
#10: The full moon was shining over the road junction as I returned from the confluence.