#1: Looking east from 36N 111W
#2: Looking south from 36N 111W
#3: Looking west from 36N 111W
#4: Looking north over 36N 111W
#5: Ten zeroes at 36N 111W
#6: In this self portrait, the author/ confluence hunter takes advantage of the long November shadows to point out 36N 111W exactly.
#7: Ground cover and late afternoon shadows at 36N 111W
#8: The turn-off onto a freshly bladed dirt road from Highway 264, with San Francisco Peaks visible to the southwest
#9: 200 feet below Blue Point, this road comes within a third of a mile of 36N 111W
#10: Blue Point as seen coming from the east on Highway 264
#11: 36N 111W as viewed from the south from atop Blue Point
#12: The area around 36N 111W as seen from .34 miles to the south