#1: 69N 142W, looking east towards Canada.
#2: Looking north from 69N 142W.
#3: Looking west down the drainage from 69N 142W.
#4: Ten zeroes at 69N 142W (shown with the Alaska state bird).
#5: Aerial view of confluence drainage, showing a small tributary about 1km upstream from the Kongakut River.
#6: Looking back south towards the gravel bar airstrip/ put-in point on the Kongakut River from a ridge 400 feet above the lower end of the 69N 142W drainage.
#7: The annual migration of the Porcupine Caribou Herd has worn a nice path paralleling the confluence drainage, shown here 1km from 69N 142W.
#8: 68.98529N 142.18087W: the group at the put-in point on the Kongakut River.
#9: The rest of the trip: Caribou Pass, mother moose and calves, a hint of Class III rapids, and paddling through the aufeis.
#10: Clockwise from the upper left: Looking northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest from 69N 142W