#1: 46°N 103°W, “where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain…”
#2: Looking north, from 46°N 103°W.
#3: Looking east from 46°N 103°W.
#4: Looking south from 46°N 103°W.
#5: Looking west from 46°N 103°W.
#6: GPS: 6.9’ accuracy, 2,701’ elevation at 46°N 103°W.
#7: Ground cover – “and the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet…”
#8: On White Butte, overlooking the North Dakota badlands, towards 46°N 103°W.
#9: The first documented dry weather visit to 46°N 103°W
#10: In one fell swoop, we raised the total number of DCP visitors to the location from three to five.
#11: Not a confluence or state highpoint, but worth a look: Devils Tower