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China : Héběi Shěng
41 degrees north, 116 degrees east (visit #2) - All Pictures

#1: Looking North from the confluence/从汇交点北望的景观
Looking North from the confluence/从汇交点北望的景观
#2: Looking West from the confluence/从汇交点西望的景观
Looking West from the confluence/从汇交点西望的景观
#3: Looking East and South from the confluence/从汇交点东望和南望的景观
Looking East and South from the confluence/从汇交点东望和南望的景观
#4: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) GreatWall on the ridge/山脊上的明长城
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) GreatWall on the ridge/山脊上的明长城
#5: Watchtower on the ridge/烽火台
Watchtower on the ridge/烽火台
#6: Oldman and sheepherder/老汉与牧羊人
Oldman and sheepherder/老汉与牧羊人
#7: Collapsed GreatWall on the ridge/山脊上的残长城
Collapsed GreatWall on the ridge/山脊上的残长城
#8: Map of Confluence
Map of Confluence