#1: 12N 39E: East view from the Confluence
#2: Panoramic view from southeast to northeast
#3: Panoramic view from northeast to northwest
#4: Panoramic view from northwest to southwest
#5: GPS under the acacia showing the marks of success!
#6: Proud Confluencers (left to right): Melese, Blanc, Myer
#7: A human ant-trail on the way to the market
#8: USAIDonkeys: notice the facial expression of the owner - "what's with this guy and my donkeys?"
#9: Lalibela Market Day: 1st January 2005 (23-04-1997 in the Ethiopian calendar)
#10: A panoramic view from the top of the hill (QuickTime movie 935 KB - Click on caption to load and use mouse pointer to pan!)