08-Jun-2008 -- The Quest for 58N-05W started earlier today at 53N-01W, continued at 54N-01W and now a couple of hours later moves on to a spot that I haven't been to for a while...October 2002 to be precise. We did try and get in there three years ago but the access road was gated and padlocked. Taking that as a hint we left it that time.
I pulled up and parked next to the field where the CP lies and as I was getting my boots on a land rover stopped. It was the farm manager who was wondering what a stranger was doing on their land. Seems there has been a lot of theft recently, mainly quad bikes and diesel.
Mind you with diesel at £1.30/litre it's not surprising really is it? Note for American (specifically US) readers - that's over $12/gallon. So don't you dare even think about crying/moaning/whingeing or whining that the world is so unfair because *you* have to pay, shock, gasp in disbelief $4/gallon. Keep it to yourself, the rest of the world doesn't want to hear it. Okay?
Permission to wander was freely given and I opened the gate and simply walked straight to the spot. Document it, yet again with WAAS, then over the border and to my overnight stay in Edinburgh.