the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : England

2.2 km (1.4 miles) NNW of Cheadle, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 181 m (593 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 53°S 178°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Hit the nail exactly on the head #3: Is 9 enough for a fix? #4: Nicola and Craig on the spot

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  53°N 2°W (visit #2) (secondary) 

#1: An appreciative audience

(visited by Gordon Spence, Craig Spence and Nicola Spence)

29-Sep-2001 -- Having successfully completed a Confluence while on holiday in Florida recently (28N,82W) I thought it was about time that I tried one a bit closer to home.

I was visiting my children this weekend and thought it would be a good way to try and interest them in the good old outdoors.

We set off about 9am and with only a short trip of about 25 miles we were soon in the vicinity. This time I also had a map to help me!

We parked up and walked back down the road. A public footpath was quickly found (open again after the foot and mouth episode) and turned onto. It has been raining a lot here recently and the field was almost under water in places.

After struggling through two fields I realised we were going to be about 100m short of the target. Oh well, back track to the main road and take stock.

Walking a further 200m down the road revealed an access way up towards a farm, having negotiated the chained up dog (you never know how long the chain is!) we saw two men in a barn.

I explained what we were doing and permission was given to wander around, right, off we go then. Through the farmyard and two chained up gates into another extremely muddy field.

Success! Picture 1 shows the view North from the Confluence, we even had an audience.....picture 2 shows the GPS unit indicating that we were exactly spot on. Hopefully nine satellites are enough for a good fix (picture 3).

There wasn't a lot to see here, basically just a large pile of rubble (picture 4), so a picture of the children was taken and we made our way back out. Remembering to thank the guys on the way we left to go get some lunch. Another good day out.

Coordinator's Note: Mr Ratcliffe of Harewood Hall Farm (the landowner) would like any future visitors to contact him before just turning up. He is not discouraging visits, he just wants advance notification.

 All pictures
#1: An appreciative audience
#2: Hit the nail exactly on the head
#3: Is 9 enough for a fix?
#4: Nicola and Craig on the spot
ALL: All pictures on one page