the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : Wales

4.8 km (3.0 miles) WNW of Blaenau-Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 518 m (1699 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 53°S 176°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: GPS Montage #3: North #4: East #5: South #6: West #7: Carnivorous plants - Common Butterwort #8: Various quarry buildings and the tree

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  53°N 4°W (visit #6)  

#1: The approach 70m away heading west

(visited by Paul Phillips)

12-Jul-2005 -- I set off at about 6:00am, about half way driving to the CP I realised although I'd managed to remember the GPS and Camera I had actually managed to forget my detailed OS map of the area! Fortunately I had remembered to bring printouts from the previous visitors and thanks to Gordon Spence's detailed map by 7:00am I was able to find the carpark and set off on what appears to be the simplest route to the confluence 2.8km as the crow flies and about 1000 feet above my starting point.

The scenery was wonderful and I was soon at the Llyn Cwmorthin and then past the tree and various disused quarry buildings quarry buildings.

On the way up to the last of the disused quarries I spotted a carnivorous plant the common Butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) growing by a particularly slimy small waterfall. A little later I found thousands of sundews (Drosera rotundifolia) many of them flowerring in the bog which almost had me defeated 450m from the confluence.

After passing the disused quarry buildings I went in search for the path that would take me near the confluence but to no avail so I decided just to head straight towards it. At about 450 metres from the confluence I found just how damp the ground was! It was a bog! Initially I could see no way around it towards the confluence and soon was in half a mind to give up as I didn't have appropriate footwear on. Soon I managed to wander into a particularly soft part of the bog and submerged my foot upto my ankle at which point I decided it was too late to abort the mission I might as well carry on so long as I don't sink to my knees!

Once determined to not bother about my shoes I made relatively quick progress to the confluence I paused 70 metres away to get a photo of the approach. A very quick search for the zeros and I was there! The altitude indicated was 1696 feet (972 feet above the carpark where I started). Photos then taken of the cardinal points and the GPS and another CP was completed.

 All pictures
#1: The approach 70m away heading west
#2: GPS Montage
#3: North
#4: East
#5: South
#6: West
#7: Carnivorous plants - Common Butterwort
#8: Various quarry buildings and the tree
ALL: All pictures on one page
Nathan Mifsud plans to visit this confluence on the 09-Aug-2024.
In the Snowdonia National Park.