the Degree Confluence Project

Japan : Kanto

5.8 km (3.6 miles) SE of Anazawa, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi-ken, Kanto, Japan
Approx. altitude: 390 m (1279 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 37°S 40°W

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: looking east #3: looking south #4: looking west #5: gps #6: confluence sign

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  37°N 140°E (visit #3)  

#1: looking north

(visited by Hajime Ishikawa, Kiyomi Ishikawa, Minori Ishikawa and Natsume Ishikawa)

14-Aug-2005 -- On a way home from short summer vacation, we decided to stop by 37N 140E. According to previous visit record, it seemed to be one of the easiest confluences to visit in Japan.

We have checked the location on map, set a car navigation system, and set GPS into navigation mode. Getting to the point was easy and comfortable drive as we expected. But what we found at the point was something we did not expect.

A large sign stood on a side of a local road, saying Entrance to Nasuno-Zero-Point; Degree confluence of 37N and 140E. 60 meters to walk.

The sign was guiding us into woods. Grass in woods the way to get to the point has been neatly cut. I don't know who, but seems like someone is welcoming confluence hunters there. We followed the way and found a stick on the ground looks like showing the spot. Though my GPS read a few meters different, so I had to go into a bush to get the exact spot.

This was our second confluence hunting. It has been four years since we have done the first one. When we visited 36N 140E, the third visit in Japan, my wife Kiyomi was pregnant which we did not know at the time. It turned to be our first baby boy.

Now he is almost three years old, has a little sister, and still does not understand the concept of confluence hunting, as he does not remember the first one.

 All pictures
#1: looking north
#2: looking east
#3: looking south
#4: looking west
#5: gps
#6: confluence sign
ALL: All pictures on one page