the Degree Confluence Project

Japan : Kanto

5.8 km (3.6 miles) SE of Anazawa, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi-ken, Kanto, Japan
Approx. altitude: 390 m (1279 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 37°S 40°W

Accuracy: 10 m (32 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: west #3: south #4: north #5: GPS

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  37°N 140°E (visit #2) (incomplete) 

#1: east

(visited by okikage kei and Hitori Yanagi)

09-Aug-2004 -- This was our first visit at the confluence. About a month ago,this "the degree confluence project" was introduced in NHK TV program. I suppose many people were interested and excited by it. And,yes,we were.

We came here from Kanagawa-ken(Japan) by car. It took us 5 or more hours to get to Kuroiso. By using trains,you can reach Kuroiso station in 2 hours, but, to get to the confluence,we recommend using a car. You will be able to enjoy driving through a nice country area with many rice fields and little woods.

This confluence job may be easy for you if you're not stupid as we were. Because you can reach relatively close from the point by car,not so much effort is necessary for arriving at the point.

However,we took the trouble to start wandering from no less than 1km far away. We believed firmly that the point was in the giant jungle before us...

Geographical description around the point:

* There's a relatively wide road near the point. You should park here and begin searching with the GPS. I think you can't get to the point from opposite direction.

* Beyond the road from the point,there's a small channel. As far as the eye can see,there's no bridge on this channel,great effort should be required to cross.

* If one could manage to cross the channel,there's a wide corn field. Let's move away from this private field immediately.

* Next the corn field,there's a jungle(actually a medium- size woods).Something like a hatchet or a stick is useful in the jungle --to brush away so many spider webs.

After the adventure,we recommend relaxing in the hot spring at "Kaiko-no-yu" in Kuroiso city. And also a gelato at the MICHINO-EKI(a big resting station for drivers; Here is named "meiji-no-mori") is really nice.

Coordinator's Note: The visit is classified as 'incomplete' due to the very poor quality of the photos.

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#1: east
#2: west
#3: south
#4: north
#5: GPS
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