26-Aug-2006 --
My wife and I made plans to visit 57°N 117°W during a weekend outing. With our truck and camper we headed out from our home in Grande Prairie, Alberta to Tangent Park on the Peace River. The next day we headed across the Peace River on the Shaftesbury ferry and into the town of Peace River, Alberta.
The plan was to follow some secondary highways and a forestry resource road to a location very close to the confluence.
From Peace River we headed north on secondary highway 743 for approximately 15 km. We then headed ~23 km east on secondary highway 986 crossing the Peace River near the site of the Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd. (DMI) Pulp Mill. We located the junction of the DMI Peace River Pulp Division Road and headed north.
The closest road access point to our target confluence was ~75 km north on the DMI gravel resource road. At approximately the 56 km road mileage marker (52 km by odometer reading) we reached a locked gate across the resource road prohibiting public use by motorized vehicles.
Our destination was still 20 km further north. We felt it was too far to reach on foot during this attempt. The closest GPS location to the confluence we reached (at the locked gate) was 56° 49' 24.2"N and 117° 03' 50.5"W. With help from friends in our Geographic Information Systems department, we calculated this to be 20,042.1m
from our confluence destination. ...an incomplete visit for this attempt.