02-Aug-2007 --
This would be the first of five confluences on a vacation trip to Twinsburg, Ohio for our first ever visit to the annual Twins Days Festival where our daughters would get to meet thousands of other twins.
This confluence may also be on a lot that is currently for sale!
We stopped at the truck stop and found it just as Alan Fox described in his narrative. I took a 97 meter walk into the field and through tall grass that later turned out to be very itchy. I passed several bushes with some sort of black berries on them. Obtaining all zeroes was simple after a quick confluence dance.
Picture #1 looks east and shows an easy parking spot. Picture #2 looks south with the Interstate in the background. Picture #3 looks west into the back yard of the house on the next lot. Picture #4 looks north and shows the for sale sign. Picture #5 shows my GPS location. Picture #6 shows the house described by previous visitors just west of the confluence.
We ate a great lunch at Bob Evans Restaurant and then continued on towards Twinsburg!
Another great confluence adventure! Next up would be 40N 83W!