the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Rondônia

13.0 km (8.1 miles) NW of Dezessete, Rondônia, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 178 m (583 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 11°N 118°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North #3: East #4: South #5: West #6: GPS #7: The owners #8: The CP is under this tree

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  11°S 62°W (visit #2)  

#1: General view

(visited by Eduardo Hanazaki and Setsuko Hanazaki)


26-Jan-2009 --

Depois de visitar Porto Velho e o que restou da Ferrovia Madeira-Mamoré, seguimos para o sul pela rodovia BR364 A rodovia é bastante movimentada, com intenso tráfego de caminhões.

Depois de Jaru, próximo a Ji-Paraná, havia obras na rodovia, o que nos obrigou a seguir por um desvio, numa estrada secundária. Essa estrada passava junto à confluência 11S – 62W e resolvemos chegar até lá, embora soubéssemos que ela já havia sido visitada.

A confluência fica a poucos metros da rodovia, no Sítio Água Limpa. Fomos muito bem recebidos pelo proprietário, o Sr. Hélio José Rocha e por sua esposa, a Sra. Vilma. O simpático casal no indicou o local da confluência, no quintal de sua casa, sob a mangueira, e lembraram-se de um outro grupo que ali estiveram anteriormente em busca da confluência.


26-Jan-2009 --

After visiting Porto Velho and what is remaining of the Wood Railroad, we continue to the south by highway BR364 a road with heavy trucks traffic.

After de Jaru, next the Ji-Paraná, some work were done in the highway that force us to make a detour to a secondary road. This road passed next to the confluence 11S - 62W and decides to arrive until there, even so we knew that it already had been visited before.

The confluence is at few meters from the road, in a small farm Água Limpa. We were very well received by the owner, Mr. Helio Jose Rocha and his wife, Mrs. Vilma. The likeable couple indicated us the place of the confluence, in the yard of their house, under the hose, and had remembered another group that had been there previously in search of the confluence.

 All pictures
#1: General view
#2: North
#3: East
#4: South
#5: West
#6: GPS
#7: The owners
#8: The CP is under this tree
ALL: All pictures on one page