the Degree Confluence Project

France : Occitanie

2.3 km (1.4 miles) NE of Cestayrols, Tarn, Occitanie, France
Approx. altitude: 267 m (875 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 44°S 178°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the East #3: View to the South #4: View to the West #5: GPS #6: Phil at the point #7: Catherine at the point #8: Sunflowers #9: Alfalfa

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  44°N 2°E (visit #3)  

#1: Overview and view to the North

(visited by Catherine Noiriel and Phil Boyle)


02-Sep-2011 -- En route pour la cité épiscopale d'Albi, nous faisons un petit crochet par le point de confluence 44N 2E. Facile d'accès, il se situe dans un champ à une centaine de mètres de la route qui mène à la ferme de la Salissière, près de Noailles. Le champ est nu mais aux alentours se trouvent des plantations de tournesol et de luzerne.

Nous poursuivons ensuite notre route vers Albi, où nous ne manquerons pas de découvrir les charmes des ses vieilles ruelles, la cathédrale Sainte-Cécile, le cloître de la collégiale Saint-Salvi et le palais de la Berbie, qui abrite le musée Toulouse-Lautrec.


02-Sep-2011 -- On our way to the cathedral city of Albi we made a detour to the Confluence Point 44N 2E. Easily accessible, it's situated in a field around a hundred metres from the road to Salissiere farm, near Noailles. The field is bare, but around it one finds fields planted with sunflowers and alfalfa.

We then continued on our way to Albi, where we discovered the charms of this town's old streets, the Cathedral of St Cecile, the cloister of the collegiate church of St Salvi, and the Bishops' Palace, which houses the Toulouse-Lautrec museum.

 All pictures
#1: Overview and view to the North
#2: View to the East
#3: View to the South
#4: View to the West
#5: GPS
#6: Phil at the point
#7: Catherine at the point
#8: Sunflowers
#9: Alfalfa
ALL: All pictures on one page