12-Mar-2001 -- Hi, this was my first confluence expedition (also an unofficial one). It was only about 40 km from home and I was astonished that in Germany there are so many unexplored locations!
Because the location is only about 30 km away from the planned German atomar rest plant (Gorleben), it's also an expedition into a "demonstration" zone.
It was a late winter and early spring evening with moderate temperature and clouded skies.
Using the street chart from this website I was astonished that the location was not in the forest as the chart has promised. It was about 50m south of this forest. Because the undisturbed GPS signals are so precise I can be sure of this.
The location was on a farmer's land for potatoes and I found the position fast, because it's only about 200m north of a paved small land road. I made two panoramas with my 3-years old disk camera Sony Mavica-FD7 and some pictures showing the GPS and land marks. Because the site really was not very interesting I drove home after half an hour.
Maybe you will enjoy my photos and the big panorama (made from a height of above 80 cm). The next locations is waiting for me!
-- Jost