the Degree Confluence Project


2.9 km (1.8 miles) NE of Ban Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Approx. altitude: 346 m (1135 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 19°S 81°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View North #3: View South #4: View East #5: View West #6: GPS registration #7: Cluster figs #8: A dense tree line

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  19°N 99°E (visit #5)  

#1: Confluence point

(visited by John Dag Hutchison and Ragnhild Hutchison)

03-Mar-2025 -- My daughter accompanied me to Thailand to explore a bit of the country I have lived in and visited many times. She has heard about it all her life. Additionally, she has learned a lot about the Degree Confluence project, particularly my more adventurous visits. Could we possibly find a confluence point somewhere in Thailand now?

With a good car, it took us less than an hour from Chiang Mai. Google Maps guided us to within a couple of hundred meters of the confluence point. The weather was pleasant—not too hot—and the ground was dry. About a hundred meters from the confluence point, there was a line of trees blocking our path. We discovered a passable route through the shrubs, where we found some cluster figs that did not taste like ordinary figs. I later learned that this fruit is used in curries.

The confluence point was located in the middle of a wide field. We took the required photos and left this very easy confluence point. Ps. The date/time on the Garmin is not correct

 All pictures
#1: Confluence point
#2: View North
#3: View South
#4: View East
#5: View West
#6: GPS registration
#7: Cluster figs
#8: A dense tree line
ALL: All pictures on one page