01-Jan-2001 -- My brother, dad, and I had scouted
out this confluence point last summer. The road that was closest to the
confluence point on the map turned out to be very old, private, and
currently blocked off. After a bit of wandering we made it to another
road which passed within a mile or so. Due to time constraints (and my
dad's lack of enthusiasm) we decided to save the actual hike and visit
for later.
That later came on New Year's Day. We had gone to my grandma's for
the weekend and the confluence point was only a few miles out of the way
on the drive back to my parents'. My brother, mom, and I drove about
six miles north from Bliss, Idaho on Hill City Road where we turned
left. From there it was not too far until the road got as close as it
does to the confluence point. We were able to get a little bit closer
by driving on a dirt road which was not on my map. From there it was
about 1.3 miles to the confluence point.
While my mom waited in the car, my brother, my dog and I started the
hike. It was a little cold out, but not bad. Making our way through the
sage brush was pretty easy and it only took us about 25 minutes to get
to our destination. As you can see in the pictures, visibility was not
stellar, but I was happy that it wasn't any worse.