the Degree Confluence Project

United Arab Emirates

25.6 km (15.9 miles) ESE of al-Sila`, Abū Zaby, UAE
Approx. altitude: 0 m (0 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 24°S 128°W

Accuracy: 1.5 km (1640 yd)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the East from the shore. #3: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the South from the shore. #4: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the West from the shore. #5: 24N 52E "Attempt", GPS reading. It's not right on it, but not far..... #6: 24N 52E "Attempt", Lise at the nearest she could go....without swimming!

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  24°N 52°E (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: 24N 52E "Attempt", the confluence point is 1.5 km in this direction.

(visited by Marc Lamontagne and Lise Roussel)

English version


24-Fév-2002 -- [23-Fév] - Après avoir passé la nuit sur le point de confluence 23N 52E, nous avons mis le cap sur Šayba où nous avons passé la journée à visiter les installations en compagnie de nos guides `Abdu-Llāh al-`Ajmiy et Muṣṭafā al-Salīm. Vers la fin de l'après-midi nous les avons quitté, avons roulé jusqu'au coucher du soleil avant de nous arrêter pour camper dans des belles dunes de sable.

[24-Fév] - Le lendemain matin, nous sommes partis tôt car nous avions trois autres points de confluence à visiter avant d'atteindre Abū Ẓaby ou des amis nous attendaient. Nous avons comme objectif de se rendre le plus près possible du point 24N 52E que nous savons se trouver dans l'eau du Golfe Arabique, pas très loin du rivage.

Nous nous aventurons sur la plage jusqu'à un certain point d'où nous continuons à pied car nous sommes à marée basse et c'est assez humide. Le point se situe à 1.5 km du rivage. Nous prenons quand même nos photos et sommes heureux d'avoir essayé!


24-Feb-2002 -- [23-Feb] - After the night we spent on the 23N 52E confluence point, we headed to Šayba where we spent most of the day, visiting the installations with our hosts `Abdu-Llāh al-`Ajmiy and Muṣṭafā al-Salīm. At the end of the afternoon we left, drove till sunset and found nice dunes to set our camp for the night.

[24-Feb] - The day after, we took off early because we had three more confluence points to visit before reaching Abū Ẓaby, where some friends were awaiting us. Our aim is to go the nearest possible to the 24N 52E Confluence that we know is situated in the waters of the Arabian Gulf, not far from the shore.

We drive on the beach till we reach the point where the sand is very wet, because it is low tide, then we continue on foot. The confluence point is at 1.5 km from the shore. We take some pictures and we are very happy of our attempt.

 All pictures
#1: 24N 52E "Attempt", the confluence point is 1.5 km in this direction.
#2: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the East from the shore.
#3: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the South from the shore.
#4: 24N 52E "Attempt", view to the West from the shore.
#5: 24N 52E "Attempt", GPS reading. It's not right on it, but not far.....
#6: 24N 52E "Attempt", Lise at the nearest she could go....without swimming!
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the shallow waters of the Gulf, about 2 km from land.