the Degree Confluence Project

Norway : Sør-Trøndelag

20.0 km (12.4 miles) N of Berkåk, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
Approx. altitude: 539 m (1768 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 63°S 170°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Self-service toll road #3: Birds nesting in the toll box #4: Path towards the confluence #5: Fording the river just before the confluence #6: GPS

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  63°N 10°E (visit #2)  

#1: Panorama from the confluence

(visited by Terje Mathisen)

23-Jul-2003 -- Coming from Sunndalsøra, I drove towards Oppdal before taking a smaller, partly unpaved, road over Nerskogen towards Grindal, then followed HW700 towards Å.

Since the first visitor told about problems finding the small private toll road towards N63E10, I stopped at the local grocery store to ask about directions, but without any luck. Following the map did however lead me to a small exit with a sign stating that GammelSætra and Holsjøen could be reached this way.

About a km along this road, I came to an unmanned toll booth: This works partly on the honor principle, in that they have a supply of envelopes, and directions for how you should put NOK 35 (about $7) in one of them, and print the car registration number on the outside, before depositing the envelope in a box.

There was an interesting problem here however, in that a pair of birds had decided that one of the two toll boxes was a nice nesting place: When I opened it to look for envelopes, I was met by 4 or 5 newly-hatched birds, all stretching their wide-open beaks towards me for some nice food.

Since I didn't have any handy supply of worms, I couldn't help them, but I did get a photo of the nest, before driving on and letting the parent birds get back to their chicks.

About halfway to Holsjøen and the end of a road I passed another self-service toll booth, this one wanted NOK 20 ($3). Another 5-10 minutes found me at final parking area, at which time the threatening rain finally started to come down in earnest.

The remaining distance to the point was 1.2 km, so I put on full orienteering gear (shoes, tights and blouse) so that I could easily handle both the rain and the always-wet marshlands that are so common in this part of Norway.

The area must be quite popular, I saw a number of nice cabins, and many good paths around the lake. Following the GPS map, I found one path that led almost to the confluence, I just had to ford a small river before locating it.

After returning to the car I drove back down to Å, and continued on to N63E9

 All pictures
#1: Panorama from the confluence
#2: Self-service toll road
#3: Birds nesting in the toll box
#4: Path towards the confluence
#5: Fording the river just before the confluence
#6: GPS
ALL: All pictures on one page