30-Aug-2003 -- Dan and I attempted to reach this confluence on Labor Day weekend. After reading the previous attempt, I decided a different way to reach it would be via washes. Instead of trying to reach it on the ridges, the washes might be easier. We found a dirt road that led to a large flat rock. Parked the car, loaded up the hiking packs. We found the gate mentioned in the previous attempt. Afterward, we went down into the wash. We found it difficult to traverse the washes with the packs. We decided to try it without. We left the packs and hiked on. The wash was like the luck of the draw. It could lead to an impasse at any time. Without packs, an overnight hike was out of the question. This confluence is best attempted by more numbers or a different approach. The first picture is toward Rainbow Plateau at the point we turned around. The rest are on the way there. The movie was taken at the point of return. When we returned to the car, a German couple drove up looking for the Rainbow Bridge trail. We couldn't help them out, but they were gracious enough to share a round of beer with us. I think they were from Wurtberg? After this attempt we went for two others that haven't been reached in a while.