05-Jun-2004 -- I had wanted to go to the confluence of 40N 88W over Memorial Day weekend, but it was raining when I had the time. However, the weather was very cooperative the Saturday after. This was my first confluence visit and the closest one to my home. It only took about 25 minutes to get near the confluence, but longer to figure which small paved or gravel county road would put me closest to the confluence.
I ended up parking on a small gravel road just a quarter mile away from the point. The corn that can be seen in Photo 4 was already knee high, so I approached the point from the southeast through rows of soybeans which were still very small.
Photo 1 shows the point from 20 rows of soybeans back, photo 2 shows the north view, photo 3 shows the east view, photo 4 shows the south view, photo 5 shows the west view. Photo 6 shows the GPS with all the zeros lined up. It took a bit of shuffling between rows and back and forth for the numbers to line up and hold still, but I wasn't going to leave unless I had all the zeros!