25-Nov-1998 --
We were beginning our drive from Albuquerque to Tucson and thought
we'd knock off our first ever confluence right away. Unfortunately Susan was
in the midst of succumbing to a nasty stomach virus and was rendered
incapable of reading the brand-new GPS with any confidence. (Basically, when
it read 106°54' I panicked and became convinced I had a bum device...luckily
David was able to use his deductive powers and map-reading prowess to explain
the whole decimal vs. minutes/seconds thing to me.)
We bumped up a really rocky road past a cute, compact canyon (photo #3), stopped the car once we lined up with the latitude, and then walked
in circles until we found it. (Again, our first time out with the GPS. We had
no idea we could use it to direct us there...ah, sweet folly of youth.)
Bingo! (photo #1)
A lone dog barking in the distance and a gorgeous afternoon moon (photo #2).
The terrain was rough and rocky but not impossible to traverse. We took a few
more pictures, and headed back to the car.
The visit is best summed up by this final photo (#4). It's a very
candid shot of David trying to figure out what if anything was caught up in
the wheel wells.