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News Archive (163 - 182)

australian christmas trip [24-Dec-06]
Stephan Theriault and his family recently made a long trip to visit family for Christmas, 27S 152E was the last stop. Follow the trail back...

20 000 km confluence trip [22-Dec-06]
Fabrice Blocteur traveled from Japan to France (mostly by land and motorcycle) and visited many confluences along the way. It all starts here.

grand canyon attempt [18-Dec-06]
Elizabeth Browning attempted the Grand Canyon confluence recently. Check out this incomplete visit for an informative narrative and the photos of the Grand Canyon.

tunisia complete [13-Nov-06]
A visit to 31N 10E completes the land-based Confluences of Tunisia. Only two offshore Confluences are remaining now.

another epic china trip [30-Oct-06]
Targ Parsons and Ah Feng spent a month traveling rural China visiting 19 confluences. It all starts here.

netherlands antilles is complete [19-Oct-06]
Steaming on to 12N 69W, also the remaining Confluence of the 2-confluence archipelago Netherlands Antilles was finished.

trinidad and tobago is complete [19-Oct-06]
A visit by cargo ship to 11N 61W completed the two Confluences of Trinidad and Tobago.

new country [22-Sep-06]
A marine visit to confluence 13N 61W put Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as the 172nd country on our list.

geographic center of asia [31-Aug-06]
A new special visit to the Geographic Center of Asia has been posted.

shipwrecked confluence [28-Aug-06]
Sometimes, confluences seem to elect the strangest places to lie on, or is it rather vice-versa? 30N 48E in southern Iraq was located on the half-sunken deck of a rusty shipwreck in a riverway.

5000 visits [09-Jul-06]
The visit to 37N 122E in China was the 5000th unique successful visit posted (primary & secondary confluences combined).

india joins 100 club [24-Jun-06]
16N 75E is the 100th confluence visited in India

norway (& scandinavia) complete! [01-May-06]
olli sundell used xc skis and dog sled teams to reach the two last mainland confluences in norway: 70°N 26°E and 69°N 25°E

two new site features [25-Feb-06]
The Search page now has options to download search results as an OziExplorer waypoint file, GPX waypoint file, or Google Earth placemarks file. Also, a new Methods of Transportation page has been added.

ten year anniversary [20-Feb-06]
Ten years ago, on February 20, 1996, Alex Jarrett and Peter Cline visited the first confluence at 43°N 72°W.

fiji [10-Jan-06]
With a visit to 17N 177E Fiji became the latest country with a complete or incomplete visits.

13 western usa confluences [21-Dec-05]
Shawn Fleming took a five-day trip across Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana, visiting 13 confluences along the way. His trip starts here.

one month, 24 confluences [08-Nov-05]
Targ Parsons has spent a month travelling rural China visiting 24 confluences. It all starts here.

geographical center of north america [22-Oct-05]
A Special Visit to Rugby, North Dakota, USA, to the Geographical Center of North America illustrates how such a designation of "the center" can only be approximate.

nevada complete [17-Oct-05]
The last land confluence in the contiguous United States has finally been documented. 37N 116E is on very restricted government property known as the Nevada Test Site.

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