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News Archive (303 - 322)

canada reaches 200 [18-Aug-02]
recent visits in various parts of Canada, including a very persistent desire to reach 54°N 121°W have pushed the total number of successful Canadian visits to 200

lithuania is complete [11-Aug-02]
Although one oceanic point with views of land remains, all of the land-based confluences in Lithuania have now been visited.

more worldwide maps [31-Jul-02]
We now have a new option for Worldwide maps. The Worldwide Confluence Navigator is generated dynamically from the current data, which allows you to see the current state of large portions of the world without the confluences stopping at national boundaries. It can be found on the "Worldwide maps" page, or though a "confnav" map link on individual confluence pages.

denmark is complete [22-Jul-02]
Denmark is now complete, including several offshore confluences.

2002 confluences! [20-Jul-02]
With 1847 primary + 155 secondary, we have now passed 2000 successful confluences

100 countries [16-Jul-02]
From the first visit in the United States to the latest attempt in the Faroe Islands, we now have visited or attempted confluences in 100 countries.

radio interview [10-Jul-02]
Check out an interview with the founder of the project, broadcast on the U.S. public radio show The World on July 8. It's available as an MP3 in high, medium or low bandwidth versions. (Copyright © 2002 The World).

france is complete [01-Jul-02]
Although some oceanic points with views of land remain, all of the land-based confluences in France have now been visited.

northern usa vacation [28-Jun-02]
Danny Strickland went on an ambitious confluence-hunting vacation this May, visiting 20 confluences and attempting three more, most previously unvisited. The confluences were in Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, and North and South Dakota.

the uk is complete [19-Jun-02]
Although some offshore points with views of land remain, all of the land-based confluences in the United Kingdom have now been visited.

canada moves past australia [19-Jun-02]
Recent visits in Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon have pushed Canada ahead of Australia in the count of successful confluence visits

italy is complete [09-Jun-02]
Although some oceanic points with views of land remain, all of the land-based confluences in Italy have now been visited.

great lakes confluences [08-Jun-02]
Robert Karwowski got the kayak out and added two water confluences on the Great Lakes (N45 W86, N46 W85) and one on a little lake close to the Great Lakes (N46 W84).

denmark nearly complete [21-May-02]
The second to the last point (N55 E10) was visited a few days ago by two german confluence hunters. The only remaining confluence is located in Limfjorden, the fjord that splits northern Jylland into two parts

wild life patrolling confluences [20-May-02]
The visitor to N34 W93 was prevented from reaching the exact spot by snake infested bushes.
Different wild life, a humpback whale, was recently encountered close to N42 W70.

confluence engagement [18-Apr-02]
Jennifer Starr and Kurt Reichert got engaged on March 24, and celebrated with an attempt on N64 W21 that missed by just 20 m.

Congratulations from the Confluence Project!

six firsts [27-Mar-02]
Check out these first successful visits in Kenya, Laos, Cameroon, Benin, the Dominican Republic and Vietnam.

saudi arabia [06-Mar-02]
Confluence hunting in the desert of Saudi Arabia has taken off in the past month. Check out group visits submitted by Alistair Rausch and Gerhard Henrich.

china part two [05-Mar-02]
Targ Parsons tells some great tales from his second confluence adventure in China. His nine day, nine confluence story begins with 23°N 115°E.

back to normal [02-Mar-02]
See our Web Host Migration page for more details. Let us know if you experience any problems.

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