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Canada : Alberta
49 degrees north, 114 degrees west (visit #4) - All Pictures

#1: The confluence point lies in a forested slope. (This is also a view to the South, towards the US border, 135m away.)
The confluence point lies in a forested slope.  (This is also a view to the South, towards the US border, 135m away.)
#2: View North
View North
#3: View East
View East
#4: View West
View West
#5: Ground cover at the confluence point
Ground cover at the confluence point
#6: Almost all zeros! (GPS+Galileo+GLONASS)
Almost all zeros! (GPS+Galileo+GLONASS)
#7: Cameron Lake, at the start of my hike. (Compare this photo to my comparable photo taken during my previous attempt, in June 2014.)
Cameron Lake, at the start of my hike.  (Compare this photo to my comparable photo taken during my previous attempt, in June 2014.)
#8: Summit Lake, at the high-point of the hike (about 2km from the point)
Summit Lake, at the high-point of the hike (about 2km from the point)
#9: Looking East from the Boundary Trail along the Canada-US border cut towards the point, 727m away
Looking East from the Boundary Trail along the Canada-US border cut towards the point, 727m away
#10: The Canada-US border cut at 114 Degrees West, 135m South of the point
The Canada-US border cut at 114 Degrees West, 135m South of the point