22-Aug-2005 -- It was time for another confluence adventure, this time successfully visiting confluences in Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana. This would be number ten out of thirteen visits on my trip.
I was on my way from 41N-114W
when I turned south on US-93 from I-80. The last time I had been this far north on the Great Basin Highway was during a snowstorm early in 1987 when my wife and I were moving to Spokane and we had to stop just short of Wells to adjust her hang glider that had shifted on top of our rented U-Haul.
I turned west here and saw a sign that read "The 4-H in the town of Clover Valley welcomes you". It was very green as I continued and turned east here or another view here through an open green gate and across from the field just beyond (south of) a yellow 45 mph sign. I followed it along past neatly bundled hay squares and round bales until I was very close to the confluence. As Jack Frickey wrote, it is only about 5 feet off the dirt track. It’s surprising how much greener it is compared to his visit in early Aug 2002.
Picture #1 looks north up Clover Valley. Picture #2 looks east across Clover Valley to the Wood Hills. Picture #3 looks south down Clover Valley. Picture #4 looks west towards Signal Hill in the foreground and the Humboldt Range beyond. Picture #5 shows my GPS position.
It took me 0:18 for the 7.45 mile roundtrip drive from US-93.
The adventure continues at: 41N-116W.