26-Oct-2008 -- Things have not changed much here since the first visit in 2000.
Having visited 43N 79E we were on our way to Columbus Ohio and passed within a few km of this one. We parked in the same parking area and I aimed to get closer than the 60 metres range of the previous attempt. I decided to try to go round the worst of the swamp but ended up too far away - in the end there was nothing for it but to go through the reeds. That was OK till I came to the river. Actually I would have stopped at the river but it started sooner than I was expecting and I was soon up to my waist! I could have followed the river upstream to go round but instead I took the pictures and retreated as the water was cold and I wanted to dry out my camera and wallet! So I reckon I reached exactly the same spot - but it was not difficult in Oct. Kate stayed at the bridge - just about on within 100 metres. Back to the car and off down the road.