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News Archive (263 - 282)

300 visits for canada [10-Dec-03]
With the successful visit to 51°N 96°W in Manitoba, Canada has reached 300 visits. Even so, there are more unvisited confluences(1,700) in Canada than the total number of confluences in the United States(1,261).

new countries with visits [28-Nov-03]
The first visit in Madagascar, visit in Panamá, and visit in Ecuador bring our list of countries with complete or incomplete visits to 131!

2004 calendar [25-Nov-03]
The Degree Confluence Project 2004 calendar is available for download from the calendar page. It is a high resolution PDF document that you can print, and is donationware.

wyoming wilderness [20-Nov-03]
Scott Davis and a group of venture scouts made a 6-day, 70 mile trek into the mountains of Wyoming, culminating in the (almost) first successful visit to 44N, 110W.

big confluence trips [16-Oct-03]
Dave Patton and Shawn Fleming have both made big confluence trips lately. Dave made 7 successful visits and 12 attempts during a ten day trip (mostly in British Columbia), while Shawn managed to visit 9 points (mostly in Nevada) in a single weekend.

new countries with visits [11-Oct-03]
The first Cambodian visit, Nicaraguan visit, Honduran visit, Moldovan visit, and Papua New Guinean visit bring our list of countries with complete or incomplete visits to 128!

special visit in russia [06-Oct-03]
The Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory is the origin point for the Pulkovo-1942 geodetic datum, which was used for determining latitude and longitude in the countries of the USSR.

lebanon is complete [01-Sep-03]
The one and only land-based Confluence 34N 36E in Lebanon has been visited, another one far out in the sea still remains.

macedonia is complete [19-Aug-03]
All confluences in the country of Macedonia have now been visited!

bulgaria is complete [18-Aug-03]
All confluences in Bulgaria have now been visited at least once!

15 percent [18-Aug-03]
Based on the currently indexed confluences, 15% of the primary confluences have now been visited!

bulgaria is complete [16-Aug-03]
Although one point in the Black Sea with a view of land remains, all of the land-based confluences in Bulgaria have now been visited.

sweden complete [11-Aug-03]
after a very impressive weekend trip by henrik sunden, who walked a total of 60 km to visit the last two points (68N 19E and 68N 21E), sweden is now complete

albanian visit [01-Aug-03]
Albania had its first confluence visit! Now 123 countries have successful or incomplete confluence visits.

namibian confluences [31-Jul-03]
On a winter holiday trip to Namibia, Hendrik van Eeden met many fellow confluencers and toured a whole series of Confluences starting with 28S 19E.

important site changes [20-Jul-03]
There have been a number of important changes made on the site, including to our Photo Requirements, and to how visits are categorized. Please see the July 20th entry on the What's New page for more information.

iraq's first visited confluence [20-Jul-03]
A helicopter landing on 34N 43E adds Iraq to the list of countries with visited Confluences.

switzerland is complete [01-Jul-03]
All confluences in Switzerland have now been visited, thanks to a beautiful visit to 46°N 7°E!

antipodean confluence visits [09-Jun-03]
A recent visit in Spain combines with an older visit in New Zealand to provide the first pair of visits to antipodean (at exactly opposite points on the globe) confluences submitted by the same visitors!

20,000 photographs [06-May-03]
From a humble beginning in 1996 with 4 photographs of the "confluence that started it all", 43°N 72°W, the Degree Confluence Project has grown to the point that in May 2003 the site has over 20,000 photographs, from 120 countries.

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