This page lists modifications or additions to the Degree Confluence Project website. This does not include parts of the site that change as new visits are added, such as the list of recent visits, statistics, etc. The date listed is when the item was added to this page, not necessarily the date that the change was made.
July 30, 2008
- The previous default size that regional coordinators used when processing uploaded Photo Originals into the Pictures seen when you look at a confluence visit was 640x480 pixels. That default size has been raised to 800x600 pixels, and will apply to visits process from this point forward.
May 23, 2008
- There is now an RSS Feed available for the newest confluence visits.
April 1, 2008
- Added use of reCAPTCHA to the Contact us page to try and cut down on email spam for the project's coordinators.
February 25, 2006
December 31, 2004
- We have added a How To page with links to information about visiting confluences, and submitting your confluence visits to our website.
December 17, 2004
- All traces of scripting related to email addresses on the Visitors page and the Contact page have been removed. The scripting that was introduced on June 26, 2003 was intended to reduce the possibility of email addresses being harvested by spammers. If you elect to have your email address shown on your Visitor page, it will be displayed as an image.
November 19, 2004
- Added a link to Multimap to the list of "maps:" links on the confluence pages.
October 16, 2004
- Our Project Statistics page has been renamed, and a new Statistics page added, which links to both the
Project Statistics and the new Website Statistics pages.
June 12, 2004
- Recently we added a Press Center page with information for journalists, and the Contact us page was reorganized. There is now some information about the
Canada - USA border, and it's relationship to degree confluences, in the Notes section of the Canada page.
December 10, 2003
- We have added a "How to visit a confluence" link on the main page, which links to our existing Confluence Hunting Checklist. It is hoped that people will review the checklist before making a confluence visit, so that they understand the requirements for a successful visit.
November 29, 2003
- The Region pages now have the same capability as the Country pages to list visits by various categories. Both pages now have a "(visit information)" link at the top of the page.
July 20, 2003
- There have been a number of important changes made on the site, as part of restructuring the information about the Degree Confluence Project, and to clarify some of "the details".
- Our Photo Requirements have been updated and clarified. Please make sure you understand all the requirements for your visit to be considered a success.
- Visits are now either "successful" or "incomplete". Formerly,
we used "attempted" instead of "incomplete". For more information, see
the Information about visiting Degree Confluences page.
- We have two Confluence Hunting Checklists. We suggest you print the shorter version and take it with you on your visit to use as a worksheet.
- Please review the information on Submitting a Visit, and follow the steps that are outlined.
- We have changed the logic used for the Poles Problem to make it easier to understand. As a result a small number of confluences haved changed from Primary to Secondary, or vice versa. This only affected some confluences above 70° latitude.
- The Project Statistics page was updated to show the breakdown of confluences by Land, Water, and Ice Cap.
- The information outlined in the May 3, 2003 entry on this page is now also shown for indexed but unvisited offshore confluences.
- For countries that have visits, there is now a "Visits for ..." list of links at the bottom of the country page, providing an easy way to find things such as the "First successful visit", the "Most recent 15 visits posted", etc.
July 2, 2003
- For each country, there is now a link("info" on the
Country Index page, and
"Country Information" on the individual country pages)
that displays the CIA World Factbook page for that country.
June 26, 2003
- A new page now allows you to see which Antipodean pairs (confluences which are directly opposite each other on the globe) have been visited (or half-visited, if the matching confluence is on or near land).
- Email addresses on the Visitors page and the Contact page are now generated with either an image or script in the page. Either way, the email address is much less likely to be automatically retrieved by programs searching for email addresses. We hope this will slow down the growth of SPAM over time.
May 3, 2003
- For unindexed offshore confluences where land can be proven to be over the horizon from sea level, the confluence page will now list how much land will show over the horizon. Of course, other confluences may have visible land if your camera is far enough above sea level.
November 20, 2002
- On the confluence page, the 'accuracy' is no longer displayed just in meters or feet.
For metric, once the accuracy is 1000m or greater, kilometers are used. For statute distance,
feet are used if less than 1000, otherwise yards are used, unless the distance is more than
a mile, in which case miles are used.
- The Member page has been reformatted. If you
have visits that are Pending (i.e status is "submitting"
or "pending"), they are now listed on your Member page. The "Edit" link is just a shortcut
to the submission pages, to make it easier for you to complete, or edit, your submission.
The "Preview" link will open a confluence page in another browser window. It uses your
submitted narrative and photos to display the page. This will allow you to review your
photos to check for problems. Note that this page may be slow to load, because although
the photos are initially displayed as "thumbnails", the whole image is being used.
October 8, 2002
- The Links page had some broken links removed, and a new
link to the "Latitude and Longitude" song was added.
- The Visitor page, when displaying information about a
visitor, will now show both the Visitor's email address and homepage, if available.
- When on the Visitor page and displaying information about a
visitor, there is a new option to view a map showing all the visitor's confluence visits.
- The Contact us page now has a link to a map showing where
the coordinators are located.
- Some pages have had the "page header" changed to use a smaller 'globe', to reduce the
need for vertical scrolling. More pages will be changed over time. A new "page footer"
will be added to some longer pages, so that navigation links are available at the end
of the page.
- More enhancements to the Pending confluence visits page.
- The Country Index page has been enhanced to show more
information about a country's confluences, as well as having new options for selecting
the type of list, and its sort order.
- The Country Index now includes all the Member States of
the United Nations, even if they do not have any confluences.
- Confluence visits now have their full-sized pictures displayed on a new page (rather
than just displaying the "bare" picture), allowing you to see the caption along with the
August 19, 2002
- The page showing the list of Pending confluence visits
has been enhanced to show all types of pending visits.
- On the site's main page, the list of newest confluences will
show a minimum of 18 confluences. It may list more if needed
to display all visits posted to the site in the last 72 hours
(from when you loaded the page in your browser).
August 7, 2002
- The Visitor page has been changed to show more "stats", as well as the visit date
when listing a visitor's confluences. Within a category of stats, "unique" refers to
unique confluences. For example, if you made two attempts to visit a particular
confluence, and then succeeded on a third visit, that would be 3 visits, 1 unique.
You would also have 2 attempts, 1 unique. The date shown in the list of confluence
visits is the visit date. Where there is more than one visit for a particular day,
the date the visit was submitted to the site is also used. If you visit more than
one confluence in a day, and then submit your visits in the order you made them, then
they will be listed properly on the Visitor page.
July 31, 2002
- The Worldwide Confluence Navigator was added to the Worldwide maps page, and links were added to the maps section for each confluence. For the first time, you can see dynamically-updated maps showing the current state of all confluences in a large area, without regard to international boundaries.
July 4, 2002
- The symbols used to indicate confluences on the clickable Country and Region maps have
been changed. For more information see the new Map Help
page, which also contains information about the "maps:" links on the confluence page.
July 2, 2002
- Added sort capabilities to the Pending page.
Clicking on the Location, Country, Submitted, Visit Date, Success?, or Status?
column headings will sort the list by the corresponding column.
June 28, 2002
- Two new 'topographic map' links are available when viewing Canadian confluences.
For more information see the Map Help page.
- On the site's main page, the list of newest confluences will
show a minimum of 15 confluences. It may list more if needed
to display all visits posted to the site in the last 72 hours
(from when you loaded the page in your browser).
- Small images of the T-shirts were added to the main page.
June 21, 2002
- The ability to view a list of Plans has been added.
If a Visitor has Plans, there will be a link on that person's
Visitor Index page. For a Country with no Regions, there will
be a link on the Country's page. For a Country with Regions,
the link will be on the Region's page. In all cases, if there
are no Plans for the current Visitor/Country/Region, there will
be a 'no Plans' message rather than a link.
June 20, 2002
- Gerhard Kaufmann is our newest coordinator.
His area is Africa, the Middle East and Turkey.
February 20, 2002
- References to some Português pages were removed from the site
because their information has become outdated.
January 7, 2002
- The
Press Room page has three new items added.
New items will now be indicated with

December 11, 2001
- The
More Statistics page was enhanced to show
how many of the visits posted in a month were successful first visits.
Also, a bug was fixed that was under-reporting the number of visits
posted for some months in 2001.
December 5, 2001
- Members who have confluence visits, and have, via their
Member page selected to be "notified
when someone visits confluences you've visited" will now receive
notification emails.
December 4, 2001
December 1, 2001
November 26, 2001
November 24, 2001
- The Search page has been revised to allow the use of
Altitude in searches, and two 'confluence trivia' searches have been added.
November 23, 2001
- Letter to Landowners - updated phone number, and new French version.
- We're selling new T-shirts, mugs and caps through to support the project. Proceeds will go toward minor expenses and incorporating as a non-profit organization.
- On the confluence page, you now have the option of clicking on a "world" map link, which
will open another browser window, showing the Pima County MapGuide World Map, centered on
the confluence point.
November 21, 2001
- Updated mailing address on Contact us
- Add missing navigation bar to top of some pages.
- USA map
now shows all confluences(not just visited), and just the 48 contiguous states.
- References to the old-style pending list were removed from the site.
- A start has been made on indexing some points which are in the ocean,
but are mathematically provable to have a substantial view of land on a clear day.
- Added new option "Random" to navigation bar at the top of the confluence page.
This link will let you view a
random confluence from the database. - FAQ item 2.8 added.
October 31, 2001
- "Information" page added.
- Main page and navigation bar changes due to new "Information" page.
- "What's New" page added - link is on the "Information" page.
- "Press Room" page added - link is on the "Information" page.
October 19, 2001
- Additional statistics added - click on
(more stats)
in the top left corner of the the main page.
September, 2001
- Many new clickable maps added.