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News Archive (283 - 302)

visits to snowy confluences [18-Apr-03]
Recent visits using snowmobiles and skiis in Labrador and Quebec have brought Canada to 240 successful visits, or 12% of the total available.

new countries with visited confluences [11-Mar-03]
Visits to 12N 18E, 0N 7E and 13N 32E added Chad, the islands of Sao Tome and Principe and the Sudan to the country list.

geographers conference... [09-Mar-03]
4000 Geographers in New Orleans, Louisiana USA, so close to a confluence... First Group, Second Group

offshore confluences [22-Feb-03]
All offshore confluences where land can be shown to jut over the horizon by at least the apparent width of the moon have now been indexed. Lower views of land may well qualify, but have not yet been indexed.

revisits encouraged [19-Feb-03]
Thinking of visiting a confluence but all the ones in your area have already been done? Try revisiting one in a different season from the original visit, or pick one that hasn't been documented well enough. We post all submissions that meet our standards.

three gorges dam [11-Feb-03]
A six-confluence journey to document the area before the filling of the Three Gorges Dam in China starts with 31°N 111°E.

yugoslavia is no more... [07-Feb-03]
If you look for Yugoslavia on the country list, you won't find it anymore. Recently the name was changed to Serbia and Montenegro, along with major changes to the nature of their union.

equator confluence [21-Jan-03]
A visit to a "backyard confluence" at 0° 30°E adds Uganda to the country list.

antarctica [05-Jan-03]
Bob Greschke recently visited four points in Antarctica, including the first primary confluence since the South Pole, 82°S 120°W.

u.a.e. is complete [16-Dec-02]
Since a short while all the land-based Confluences in the United Arab Emirates have been visited. As even the few remaining offshore Confluences are getting tackled, hurry up and grab your boats!

sri lanka & china [26-Nov-02]
Check out the first visit in Sri Lanka at 8°N 81°E and an attempt on the second highest confluence in the world, 30°N 85°E in China.

near the caspian sea [12-Nov-02]
Recent visits near the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have added those countries to our front page! Of the five countries that border on the Caspian, only Iran and Turkmenistan have not yet had visits.

around australia with the goddess [29-Oct-02]
Chris and Karin Weight have visited 16 confluences so far (with at least two others pending) in their trek around Australia. The Goddess has been good to them, with 13 successful visits and only three submitted as attempts.

australia by bike [21-Oct-02]
Craig Giffen has covered 11931.63 km around Australia by bicycle, with five successful confluence visits in Tasmania, Queensland and his latest in Western Australia. He's now on the downhill track to Perth!

website downtime on october 22 [15-Oct-02]
On Tuesday, October 22, 2002 this website may be unavailable from 8 AM to 8 PM, EDT while our host(ibiblio) moves and upgrades their servers. The actual downtime is expected to be shorter(maybe 2-3 hours).

2000 primary confluences [07-Oct-02]
An international, bilingual, three-day, seven-confluence tour through the Arabian desert starting with 27

sweden primary complete [24-Sep-02]
Magnus Berglund and Henrik Sunden both made multi-day mountain hikes to bag the two remaining primary confluences in Sweden: 68°N18°E and 63°N13°E.

southernmost us confluence [21-Sep-02]
A new offshore confluence added for Florida lies further south than any other confluence in the continental US.

california completed [13-Sep-02]
A visit to an offshore confluence fills out California's list of successful visits.

swaziland is complete [31-Aug-02]
Recently the only two Confluences inside Swaziland have been located on a farm's chicken run and near a football field under surveillance by border guards.

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