20-Jan-2001 -- I live close to the 50N 10E confluence, but by the time I heard about this Project, this confluence was already visited, so I decided to go for the next one, which is 50N 11E.
The confluence is located 500 meters north of the village of Windischletten. Next town of notable size is Bamberg.
I stopped the car at the end of the village and walked up a small road that led over a small hill. I got as close as 20 meters on the road, but then I found out that the confluence was inside the only fenced place in the whole area...
Never mind, I climbed over the fence and zeroed the confluence in between some bushes. The village is not far away, but you can't see it, as it is located on the other side of the hill.
Unfortunately, it was a very cloudy and rainy day, so you can't enjoy the nice views into the valley on the pictures.
In photo #6, the confluence is in between the bushes at the edge of the forest in the center.