09-Nov-2007 --
We have come to Florida on vacation almost every year since the mid seventies, but this was the first year that I was aware of the Confluence Project. That of course meant we had to visit at least one CP. We chose the closest one to where we stayed. It turned out to be very easy to reach since you can drive to within 30 meters of it. To get a zero GPS reading however would be rather difficult since the CP is located in the middle of a pond on the other side of a high fence which separates it from the road. I knew these facts from reports of previous visits and I also knew that I could only get about 10 meters closer to the CP on the north side of the pond, so I rejected the idea of climbing over the fence. Thus our seventh confluence visit turned out to be the first one without zeroing in and I have to admit that I missed doing the “dance”. What surprised us the most was the beauty of the pond which doesn’t really come across on the pictures from the previous visits. Maybe we were just there at the right time of year. On one of the pictures you can see an egret sitting at or near the CP.
When I sorted out the pictures for the submission, I noticed that the compass of my GPS which I used for the shots of the four cardinal directions must have been off by at least 30 degrees. But since they are wide angle shots they show almost 360 degrees of the view from the confluence anyway.