24-Nov-2008 -- Returning to the Netherlands from a short visit to my niece south of Paris I deviated from my normal route via Lille to a route via Reims and Laon, more to the East of Paris.
At Laon I left the AutoRoute and headed North via the N2 in the direction of Maubuge and Mons (Belgium). Being well prepared by reading the reports by former visitors and by studying aerial images presented by GoogleEarth and Geoportail.fr I knew I could get within the 100 m circle by car. Except for a minor deviation due to roadwork’s the DCP was found without any trouble. I parked the car at 50 m North in order not to block the road and made the required photographs General, North, East, South and West at the position indicated by the purple camera icon in the geoportail image, what an amazing quality.
Driving to and from the DCP the weather was grey with a bit of rain and wet snow that made the area and villages also grey and dull. My usual images of nature are limited to a peculiar growth of a rose and a bird of prey. According to a friend this is a hawk (Accipiter gentilis).
This visit to 50°N 04°E closes a row of 6 visits at the 50° N parallel, with DCP’s in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany.