the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Buenos Aires

5.9 km (3.7 miles) NE of Esquina Negra, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 23 m (75 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 35°N 122°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North View from the Confluence #3: South View from the Confluence #4: East View from the Confluence #5: West View from the Confluence #6: GPS photo with position, accuracy, time and elevation #7: Ground zero at the CP #8: Kiss at the confluence point #9: Brujilda, Nacho, Elisa y el Gordo. The Hunters.

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  35°S 58°W (visit #5)  

#1: General Area of the Confluence

(visited by Nicolas German Pascuzzi, Maria Elisa dell'Erba, Ignacio Esteban dell'Erba, Rolando Vladimiro dell'Erba and Silvia Argentina Farrell)


15-Jun-2012 -- El Viernes pasado, durante nuestro viaje desde Mar del Plata a Buenos Aires, pasamos muy cerca de esta Confluencia así que no perdimos la oportunidad de cazarla. El día estaba lluvioso, pero luego de tomar varios caminos sin pavimentar pudimos dejar nuestro vehículo a 60 m del CP.

Finalmente saltamos el alambrado y alcanzamos el punto deseado caminando, esquivando el barro. Esta no es una clásica confluencia Bonaerense ubicada dentro de un campo de pastoreo. Debido a su corta distancia con la ciudad y a las características de la tierra, el terreno es usado para extraer grava como material de construcción.


15-Jun-2012 - Last friday, during our travel from Mar del Plata to Buenos Aires, we passed close to this confluence so we didn't miss the opportunity to hunt it. Day was rainy, but after taking several unpaved roads we left our vehicle at 60 m nearly the CP.

Finally we jumped the fence and reached the point walking, avoiding the mud. It is not a classic Buenos Aires's confluence located within a grazing field. Due to the short distance to the city and the land properties, the lot is used as gravel extraction for construction material.

 All pictures
#1: General Area of the Confluence
#2: North View from the Confluence
#3: South View from the Confluence
#4: East View from the Confluence
#5: West View from the Confluence
#6: GPS photo with position, accuracy, time and elevation
#7: Ground zero at the CP
#8: Kiss at the confluence point
#9: Brujilda, Nacho, Elisa y el Gordo. The Hunters.
ALL: All pictures on one page
  Pending visits
Submitted  Visit date  Name  Success?  Status? 
28-Jan-25  10-Jan-25  José Eduardo Guimarães Medeiros  yes  pending