the Degree Confluence Project


6.7 km (4.2 miles) NW of Diósjenő (Nógrád), Pest, Hungary
Approx. altitude: 460 m (1509 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 161°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking down hill with Confleunce Point 40 meters away #3: East #4: South #5: West #6: North #7: Ray - the sole survivor to reach the all-zeros spot #8: GPS reading #9: The hunting party at 1,000 meters from the Confleunce Point #10: The beautiful road leading to the confluence area

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  48°N 19°E (visit #5)  

#1: Looking up hill with Confleunce point 50 meters away

(visited by Yip-Bannicq Group, Tiger Wang, Rose Huang, Dong Yu and Ray Yip)

26-Sep-2013 -- 5th point of our whirlwind Eastern Europe tour - Hungary

After 2 days in Budapest and one confluence point, we headed north toward Poland taking a scenic route alone the Danube River. During a rest stop we noticed a ferry crossing and decided to take it across. After crossing the river, we noticed the GPS distance to this point was about 25 km and decided to go for it, even though we have long journey ahead of us.

After several country roads, we entered a large forest park with a rather convoluted road which took us to 1.1 km from the confluence point. We abandoned the car and walking up a hill and found a clearing and able to tell that there is a substantial densely wood hill between us and the confluence point. We estimate it will take more than an hour and decided to forgo this hunt. After a group photo at 1,000 meter mark, as the group headed toward the car, Ray decided to do a quick look further up the hill and see if there was a trail going in the right direction. As luck has it, after 100 meter, there was a logging trail that appears to be heading the right direction, so the hunt is on again.

Two ladies decided to stay put. Ray and Tiger dashed up the trail which became steeper and rugged after couple hundred meters. Tiger fell back with 750 meters to go. Ray rushed up the hill and rewarded with a plateau and another logging trail heading in the right direction and reached the confluence point.

This confluence point located on a clear slope but hard to approach because it is surrounded by very thorny berry bushes. After finding an entry point to the all-zeros spot, mad dash back to the waiting party. In all, it took about 45 minutes for the round trip and by far the most challenging and fun point we did thus far.

Shortly after we left this forest park, we entered Slovakia, and later in the afternoon entered Czech Republic, eventually entered Poland after nightfall. Four countries in one day, quite a trip!

Rating of this hunt

Degree of Challenge :

3 – about 1.5 km hike in the woods with a net elevation gain about 150-200 meters (1= very easy - drive to the point; to 5= a death march – glad it is over)


3– pleasant forest and feels quite remote (Scale: 1= not interesting at all; 5= take your breath away)

Culture-social factors:

2 – near the border of Hungary and Slovakia, very rural area (Scale: 1=dull; 5= most stimulating)

 All pictures
#1: Looking up hill with Confleunce point 50 meters away
#2: Looking down hill with Confleunce Point 40 meters away
#3: East
#4: South
#5: West
#6: North
#7: Ray - the sole survivor to reach the all-zeros spot
#8: GPS reading
#9: The hunting party at 1,000 meters from the Confleunce Point
#10: The beautiful road leading to the confluence area
ALL: All pictures on one page