08-Jul-2003 -- I visited this confluence in the summer of 2002 (see visit #3) but thought it would be interesting to re-visit it to see how the construction has progressed. Last summer, a sign was posted that a Marsh Supermarket was coming. Over the last year, several new housing developments have been started in Noblesville and Fishers, and the area keeps growing. The confluence itself, however, is pretty much the same -- small pond on the site of the exact CP, a few trees behind it, a small parking space off the road to park in. Within a hundred meters of the CP, however, construction has begun. Lots of bulldozers are levelling the ground, and most of the trees between the CP and the nearest major intersection (Hwy 37 and 146th street) have been removed. It's going slower than I thought, but it appears that the supermarket will be up by next summer. It's also an interesting confluence because it was one of Alex Jarrett's first visits, back in 1996.
The panoramic shot shows the CP and the construction. I'll be back in July 2004, next time I'm in Indiana.