11-Jan-2004 -- Sunday morning, no school and nothing on TV...I have three small children and need to do something adventurous. We decide to go off in search of, with Leonard Nimoy...
Since this was our virgin voyage, we decided to try an easy one. We chose the closest confluence. 40 N 80 W. It has been already well documented over the past four years (the first one, was almost four years ago, to the day...happy anniversary!) Plus, it seemed to be off of a paved road and I didn't have a 4X4...
We drove with the assistance of a GPS and the directions of the first guy...first mistake...the first guy, must have come a different way (we left from Pittsburgh) as we seemed to have taken the very long and scenic route. Also, he misspelled many places, i.e. Lover (he caled it Love. It must have fit his narrative about the nude girls better!?!)
We eventually got to the same spot as many others and found the confluence to be either in someones yard or under someones house. We were close enough being on the street, so we stopped and photographed the event.
The city was called Fredricktown (don't bother asking people where it is...no one has heard of it and I couldn't find it on the map!). Turns out to be next to a town called, "beallsville".
The most acurate part of the first guys narrative was that it was very cold. So we didn't bother spreading out the blanket and making a picnic. Instead, we settled for some Krispy Cream doughnuts and coffee on the return trip.
I hope that this becomes the first of many confluences unearthed by my family.
To life!